Head Office
Ambika Cotton Mills Limited
15, Valluvar Street, Sivanandha Colony,
Coimbatore – 641012,
Tamil Nadu, India
Email : ambika@acmills.in
Telephone : +91 422 2491501, +91 422 2491502, +91 422 2491503
Fax : +91 422 2499623
Nodal Officer for IEPF Authority
Name : Mr Radheyshyam Padia,
Designation : Compliance Officer, & Company Secretary
Ph : 0422-2491504
Email Id : ambika@acmills.in
Address : 9A, Valluvar Street, Sivanandha Colony, Coimbatore – 641012
Investor Grievance Redressal
Name : Mrs. G. Sasikala,
Designation : Sr. Executive
E-mail Id : acmambikacottonmills@gmail.com
Ph : 0422-2496195
CIN : L17115TZ1988PLC002269
Key Managerial Person determining materiality of an event or information
Key managerial personnel who are authorized for the purpose of determining materiality of an event or information and for the purpose of making disclosures to stock exchange as required under sub-regulation (5) of regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR)
Name : Mr. PV Chandran
Designation : Chairman, and Managing Director
Email Id : ambika@acmills.in
15, Valluvar Street, Sivanandha Colony,
Coimbatore – 641012,
Tamil Nadu, India
Telephone : +91 422 2491501, +91 422 2491502, +91 422 2491503
Registrar and Share Transfer Agent
MUFG Intime India Private Limited
Coimbatore Branch Address:
Surya, 35, Mayflower Avenue, Behind Senthil Nagar,
Sowripalayam Road, Coimbatore – 641028, Tamil Nadu.
Phone No: +91 422 4958995 / +91 422 2539835 / +91 422 2539836
Website: www.linkintime.co.in
Email : coimbatore@linkintime.co.in
MSME: UDYAM-MH-19-0012667 (Medium)
SEBI Regn No. : INR000004058
CIN No. U67190MH1999PTC118368
Awareness on availability of dispute resolution mechanism at Stock Exchanges
against Listed Companies / Registrar to an issue and Share transfer agents (RTAs)
If you have any dispute against Ambika Cotton Mills Limited (“The Company”) and or its Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) i.e. Link Intime India Private Limited on delay or default in processing your request, as per SEBI circular dated 30.05.2022, you can file for arbitration with the Stock Exchange.
For more details, please see the weblinks of the Stock Exchange
BSE https://www.bseindia.com/static/investors/arbitration_mechanism.aspx
NSE https://www.nseindia.com/invest/about-arbitration