In accordance with the SEBI Disclosure requirements the company has formulated its Material Events and Information Disclosure policy, for disclosure, as under,
- Identification and effect of an event/ information that would impact an existing situation.
- Omission and Significant market reaction over on account of happening of an event/information.
- Other Circumstances wherein the impact would be impacting an existing situation/ significant market reaction considering the circumstances of each case in the opinion of the Board which requires disclosure.
- On happening of the above which would fall under material events due disclosure to the stock exchanges.
- The aforesaid disclosures of all such events are to be made at the first instance to the Stock Exchanges but not later than 24 hours from the happening of the event / information.
- In the event of any delay of more than 24 hours such disclosure would be with due explanation.
- Due disclosures of all such events/information which has been disclosed to the Stock Exchanges are to be made available in the website of the company .
- To reply to the queries raised by the Stock Exchanges with regard to any events / informations.
- Voluntary filing of confirmation/ denial with regard to any reported event/ information to the Stock Exchanges.
- Due disclosures of material of event/information to the stock exchanges other than those falling under para A or B of Part A of Schedule III of the SEBI Guidelines.